December 31, 2021

Goal Setting: Our Tips, Tricks and How-To

Ah, yes. New Year, New Goals, right?

Do you set goals? Why or why not?

Whether it be personal or professional, it’s important to create realistic and manageable goals to set yourself up for success. 

That’s why Pip and Rina get into why it’s crucial to create a plan that’ll take you from point A to B.

Rina’s number one rule and key for goals?

You need to be intentional and focused on working on your goals; not just periodically, but every single day.

Let your goals freak you out 

When it comes to goals, dream BIG! Don’t let self-doubt get in the way of limiting your goals. Get out there and set goals that Rina says, “freak (you) out.” 

Your goals should be exciting for YOU.

Oftentimes, if we end up self-sabotaging the time we put in, it’s because our goals don’t speak to us; whether it’s a business coach dictating our goal, or we’re influenced by other people’s goals we see on other social media platforms, for example.

If it’s not exciting for you, then goals will generally be missed, because you’re not invested and your heart’s not in it. The thing most people also miss is reviewing and adjusting their goals accordingly.

It’s crucial to take the time to sit and think about the goals YOU want to achieve. 

Setting goals looks different for everybody

For some, they create a vision board, while others need to schedule in the time to work on their goals, such as scheduling the tasks required for you to actually hit those goals. 

Here are a few takeaways: 

  1. Set realistic goals → make them big and personal
  2. Write out your goals → create a nice list you can have in front of you
  3. Track your progress → give yourself credit for everything you achieve – big or small
  4. Adjust your goals → as you hit specific targets
  5. Do a quarter reflection → strategize your goals and see which areas to focus on
  6. Create the habits that you need → so your goals come to fruition
  7. Keep your head up → we’re human, we make mistakes, we lose motivation
  8. Keep going → every day is a new day to hit your goals, get a fresh start

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s set some #GOALS!