November 2, 2021

Improve your Writing Skills with Hemingway App

Improve your Writing Skills with Hemingway App

Are you struggling to improve your writing skills for the web? 

Struggle no more! We’ve got a great writing and editing resource to share with you called, Hemingway App. It’s a powerful tool designed to help make your writing bold, clear, and concise. 

Depending on what we are writing, sometimes we need to shorten sentences (✅), replace certain words, (✅), and clarify our phrases (✅) for the piece to make sense. With the Hemingway App, you can do all that and more. 

They have a mobile version, and they’ve recently updated their desktop version as well so that you’re able to strengthen your writing at the desk or on the go! There are functions included in the toolbar such as:

✔️ Reading Time
✔️ Letters
✔️ Characters
✔️ Word Count
✔️ Sentences
✔️ Paragraphs
✔️ Readability

To which you are able to keep a tighter control over your writing by having the app do the counting for you; all you have to do is copy and paste your writing (like your Business Plan, which we can help you get started with: http://ow.ly/Qmcl30rYlvO) into the given space. Simple! 

There are five colour codes that highlight certain errors, like red representing that your sentence is “dense and complicated,” yellow being “hard to read,” and purple which tells you that the phrase you used “has a simpler alternative.” 

Not to worry, as when you copy and paste your writing you may have to deal with a rainbow of colours. However, these colours disappear when the error is fixed, so you’re left with a clear and crisp writing piece. 

What makes writing apps, such as Hemingway App useful to you? Is there an area in your writing that you think you could pay more attention to? Get started here, https://hemingwayapp.com/