You might be deleting more than just names on a list.
Let’s take a detailed look at what happens when you’ve maxed out your number of free subscribers on Mailchimp—and why it’s important not to hit that … Read More
If you read our blog post last week, or generally like to know what’s going on over at Facebook HQ (us too), then you know that Facebook recently reported $16.6 billion in ad revenue. According to the fourth quarter report … Read More
Recently, Facebook ad revenue topped $16.6 billion. Facebook reported its average price per ad dropped 2 percent by the end of 2018, and its number of ad impressions is up 34 percent.
This makes Facebook ads one of the best … Read More
As a small business owner, the less time I can spend on invoicing and the more time I can spend helping my clients, the better. I’m sure that whether you’re a team of one, a steadily growing medium-sized business, or … Read More
You press send, and as you watch that little message bubble bounce into the conversation, its check mark turns from “still sending” gray to “can’t undo this” blue, you realize with horror and embarrassment, I shouldn’t have sent that.