December 9, 2021

Scheduling Facebook and Instagram Posts in Advance

The holidays are packed with important activities and events that should take priority over publishing Facebook posts. Nevertheless, as a business owner, you know very well that some things simply must be done on time.

That being said, we still don’t believe in sacrificing any holiday fun for social media scheduling this season. So, how do we do it? With a handy tool on Facebook that will allow you to do both!

Step 1: Create your social media content

Begin by creating your post at the top left of your Page’s Timeline, in Creator Studio.

creator studio

Step 2: Set up your post to be scheduled at a later date

Click the arrow next to the ‘Create new’ button.


Step 3: Pick the time for your post to publish

Select your desired date and time for the post to Publish. Click ‘Schedule’.


What if you made a mistake, or want to change the post? You can still edit your scheduled post after it’s been scheduled; just hit “reschedule.”

Now that you’ve learned how to schedule your Facebook posts, you can take care of your content ahead of time and shift your focus to holiday cheer during the moments when it counts. In the meantime, your posting tasks will be executed – on time. Now you can spread that holiday cheer!

BONUS: You can also post and schedule on Instagram through Facebook! Just click the Instagram icon above, right beside the Facebook icon:

instagram and facebook icons

You can use it to post text-based posts, photos, videos, or even polls. Be creative and take advantage of this tool by bulk scheduling your posts for the week – or the month!

Interested in learning more about the different tools and tactics that will improve your social media management? We have a variety of training packages available to cater to your needs.

Contact us to get started!