June 12, 2011

The Client that listens to Clients

Arrrg, I say! How do you convince your client not to listen to their client?

I spend so much time convincing my clients that social media is really about supplying their customers with an avenue to communicate directly with them, and in turn,  for them to then actually follow through by dealing effectively – and timely – with their customers’ complaints, concerns and inquiries.

So what happens when one of my clients takes one of their customer’s opinions to heart and all I can imagine saying is: “yeah…except for this time…this time, just ignore them”.

Yes, there are some occasions when not listening to your customer is the only reasonable course of action. One of my clients particularly loves her clients. She works quite intimately with them, often over a course of time getting to know them in a way that resembles friendship. And, with this friendship, comes the tendency to take their criticism to heart. She worries about what her clients think about her and worries she won’t be perceived as professional. And because everybody Facebooks as if it truly were a verb, like the digital camera to photography, everybody feels like they are an expert in social media marketing.

In this particular case, the “complainer” doesn’t seem to understand “tagging” pages, and how it functions to gain a page’s exposure to new Facebook users. They get confused as to who the person doing the tagging is in relationship to the company that owns the page. And for some reason, they want to get rid of my face from the page.

My client, who is a novice at Facebook herself, probably (because I don’t actually know) doesn’t know how to explain tagging, and instead of educating her client as to the fact that she has contracted out her social media work, prefers to send me email messages explaining the importance of branding.

After composing a number of satisfying replies, I opted instead to make my very first video tutorial on Facebook tagging. I would love to hear your feedback, and I hope you find it useful!

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